Paolo Bifulco

Paolo Bifulco

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With a degree in Business Management from Luigi Bocconi University, he is a certified accountant in Milan, listed on the Statutory Auditors Register and is a qualified tax representative.

A partner at Studio Leone Bifulco from 1994 to 2017, he is a member of Boards of Directors and of Auditors in many companies, particularly in the financial sector. He is also a member of the Commissione Diritto Tributario (Tax Law Commission) established by the Milan Association of Certified Accountants; he has been Vice Chairman of the same Commission and member of the “Area Fisco e Società” Study Group set up at the local trade association (Assolombarda). He is a regular speaker at conventions and advanced courses in tax matters.

He mainly deals with taxation, with special attention to corporate reorganisation and asset planning.
